PresentationsAccessibility in Online Learning
Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR, August 20, 2020. Presentation to university faculty on accessibility challenges and strategies in online learning environments. Part of the 2020 EOU Summer Teaching Institute. Flipped Learning for Higher Education Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR, August 4, 2020. Presentation to university faculty on flipped learning for the 2020 EOU Summer Teaching Institute. Transitioning to Moodle 3.1 Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, TX, 2016 Three-day introduction to Moodle 3.x and training for university faculty, on campus in Lubbock, TX. The Productivity Paradox NWeLearn Conference, Olympia, WA, 2015 20 technology tools along with tips and best practices for increasing productivity while minimizing cognitive overload and expense. Smart Social Media: Learning Networks ASCD Future Teachers Conference, Monmouth, OR, 2015 This group presentation guides pre-service teachers through the challenges of using social media personally and professionally. Improving Collaboration and Efficiency NWeLearn Conference, Boise, ID, 2014 This three-part presentation showcases technology tools and productivity tips to help instructional faculty and staff save time, increase efficiency, and foster collaboration. Presenters also describe their experiences creating professional productivity networks and solicit audience feedback and contributions. The Importance of Visual Appeal Online WCET Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2012 This poster presentation examines research on the link between learner motivation and interface attractiveness, showcases best practices, and employs design principles to make recommendations for change. |
EdTechWomxn, May 2014 Finding a Better and More Productive Project Management System EDUCAUSE Review, February 2013 Relevant Technology: Asana Association of Teachers of Technical Writing: Relevant Technology, November 2012 Can assessment technologies make standardized testing obsolete? Learning and Leading with Technology, August 2011 Should schools go paperless? Learning and Leading with Technology, February 2011 |